Grand Cognac 1811 Fine Napoléon
Bottle performance
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Lot number: 0531502
Winning bid: £1,100
This cognac was distilled in the year that Napoleon was received by the town of Cognac. This year was also notable for the being the greatest of the 'Comet Vintages'.
The 1811 Vintage is regarded as legendary by viticulturists world wide. That year, the Flaugergues comet was high in the sky and was believed to bless vineyards the world over with near perfect growing conditions. A long summer and a dry autumn meant that many of the producers on that year reported exceptional harvests and for the Cognac region this remains perhaps the greatest ever vintage.
Before Phylloxera ravaged Europe's vineyards, most cognacs were made using the Folle Blanche grape, a variety that made wines of fantastic depth when aged. After the great wine blight, Ugni Blanche was the choice for replanting which, though Phyloxera resistant and capable of producing higher yields, lacked the character of the aforementioned Folle Blanche.
No ABV or Volume stated
Please note general condition of bottle
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