Current Updates

Current Updates



Due to increasing levels of fraud we are no longer able to accept JCB cards as a method of payment. We will also no longer make payments using Paypal, we are happy to offer alternative payment methods please contact us if you are unsure of the options available.

US customers

We have been experiencing some delays with US customs over the last week and this looks like it will last for the next couple of weeks. We are monitoring this and shipments are moving slowly through. This is outwith our control and we ask for your patience as we wait for the tracking information for you. We will update you as soon as have the relevant information for your shipment.

Singapore - GST

Singapore based customers please note GST of 9% will now apply to buyers premium for non-gst registered customers, No VAT applies on the hammer price of your bottles and local customs tax and fees continue to be payable upon import based on your commercial invoice. Please ensure you update your tax information from within your My SWA account.


Please note that in response to increasing fuel costs couriers may charge additional fees for European and world-wide shipments, where this is this case this will be advised on your custom quote for your shipment. Please review our updated shipping costs here.


Important information

Due to import regulations we cannot currently ship to Sweden, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Latvia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, Spain and Estonia. There also continues to be potential difficulties shipping to a handful of countries within Europe so please check your local customs regulations and rules on alcohol imports prior to bidding. If you have an outstanding order here with us please contact us to discuss your options.

We will continue to update this page as more information becomes available please check back often for updates.

Best wishes from all at Team SWA.